Having some fun with this freestyle. I’m not into themed graffiti anymore unless it’s done properly with balance, ability and heart. I’m savoring the moments working on this one as I know I have a lot of large walls coming up that will push in new directions for the sake of art and to give my hungry body and mind a new challenge. I thought a lot about all my friends over the world today who I have enjoyed time painting, growing and learning from. I feel very grateful about it all. Thank you Familia all over the planet and beyond. #TMD #F1 #GM @ironlak
#PUBLIC is underway with this finish wall from Beastman and myself in #portheadland as part of our #converge show opening tonight at ry 6pm. Come past to see some inspired works from the #Pilbara in a topographic format. Thanks so much to the crew @formwa for all the support and positivity. always great to hang and paint mate👍
After 21 days straight and clocking up 230 hours of work to get this finished under some extreme weather conditions I can finally say this project for #commonground is complete. Thanks to all the people that gave me encouragement along the way after 12 hour days this really helped get me over the line and helped me push through fatigue, sea legs from spending all day on a lifter and exhaustion. A special thanks to my bro @epykbg for helping me out on the first few days on the geometry and for the laughs. The title of this work is Hemispheres and is a representation of the masculine and feminine. In a perfect world there is balance of the 2 even through they are completely unique they each hold the key to each other. The mother and child represent the 2 hemispheres of the brain amongst the supporting energy of the geometry which is close to mirror but not quite. The child represents the future and is holding the knowledge of past and present which is symbolised by the colourful top he wears. The patterns, geometries and colour all contain information and are keys to a balanced life. Thank you to Roberta and Pauly for being my portrait models and to the residents of common ground for all the well wishes and support. #7stories #radelaide #Adelaidecity @ironlak lics #TMD #F1 #GM #vanstheomega