Reso is a wall SLAYER

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Sofles Update!


We Just recieved these bangers.

Sofles and his evident graffiti addiction are yielding wonderous results.

Best in the game- ARYZ

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2,279 notes
Light, Lines and shadow

Light, Lines and shadow

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Brother Askew does it best. Nekst Forever

My mate #samsongailo check his shit at

Go have a sus for the launch party

A Home away from #homesydney #redbullcurates #ironlak

Watching do his thing in the lounge room. #ironlak #redbullcurates #homesydney


New wall DABSMYLA X RIME X PERSUE X ASKEW X NYCHOS Hollywood! #ironlak #ironlakLA #dabsmyla #rime #askew #nychos #losangeles

So good

Random festival living.
#spraycation #splendourarts