My mate #samsongailo check his shit at

Go have a sus for the launch party

A Home away from #homesydney #redbullcurates #ironlak

Watching do his thing in the lounge room. #ironlak #redbullcurates #homesydney


New wall DABSMYLA X RIME X PERSUE X ASKEW X NYCHOS Hollywood! #ironlak #ironlakLA #dabsmyla #rime #askew #nychos #losangeles

So good

Random festival living.
#spraycation #splendourarts

3 notes
#samsongailo on the bridge install. #splendourarts

#samsongailo on the bridge install. #splendourarts

9 notes
In festival mode. #splendourarts adaption of a project by James Dodd. #jailhousegraffiti

In festival mode. #splendourarts adaption of a project by James Dodd. #jailhousegraffiti


84 notes
Copenhagen I miss you

Copenhagen I miss you

15 notes
Picture perfect day at Mōns Klint with good people.

Picture perfect day at Mōns Klint with good people.


96 notes
askewone: This is the most recent project we just finished. It’s on the corner of Ponsonby Rd and Mackelvie st in Auckland. Had it’s fair share of challenges but happy with how it came out. Go see it in person if you can.


This is the most recent project we just finished. It’s on the corner of Ponsonby Rd and Mackelvie st in Auckland. Had it’s fair share of challenges but happy with how it came out. Go see it in person if you can.

254 notes
Style writing is a legacy in Copenhagen. Doing the do with @ironlak @sofles

Style writing is a legacy in Copenhagen. Doing the do with @ironlak @sofles